Anansi and the Pot of Wisdom

Anansi, the spider, was very smart, but he was not as smart as he wanted to be.

“You know everything,” Anansi whined to the Lion King. “It is not right that you know so much and I know so little. You must share your wisdom with me.”

The Lion King thought.

“Anansi, I do wish you were wiser. Then maybe you would not always play tricks on people,” he said.

“I have put all the wisdom in the world in this clay pot,” the Lion King said. “I will give it to you but you must promise to share it with others.”

“Of course,” Anansi promised. He snatched the clay pot and scurried home.

At home Anansi opened the pot. Inside he saw many beautiful things.

“This is full of wondrous knowledge,” Anansi whispered. “I will not share it! I will keep it for myself. I must hide it.”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 480
Word Count 465
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