Barry the Moose

It was a snowy morning in the North Pole. Barry was sitting with his friend, eating a bowl of Moose Puffs, and reading the newspaper headline:

Join Santa’s Team! Tryouts Tomorrow!

Barry fell out of his chair. He couldn’t believe it!

“This is my big chance!” Barry exclaimed.

Ever since he was a little moose, all Barry had ever wanted was to be on Santa’s team.

“But Barry,” his friend Boxer the Bear said, “You’re a moose, not a reindeer. And you’re a better faller than flyer.”

Barry was not discouraged.

“Boxer, this is my chance! I have to try,” Barry said.

The next morning, Barry galloped all the way to Santa’s village. He got in line behind the reindeer.

Barry was the only moose there. But he didn’t care. He waited patiently for his turn to try out.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 580--
Word Count 479
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