Boots and the Troll

A young boy named Boots lived with his father. They lived under the watchful eye of the Evil Troll.

“Each day you will pay me,” the troll told Boots’ father. “If you do not, I will eat you.”

Boots’ father had no choice. Each day he gave all the money he had to the troll.

One day, Boots decided he was going to stop this evil troll once and for all.

Boots made his way through the thick forest to the cave where the Troll lived.

“What are you doing here boy?” growled the Troll. “Leave before I eat you!”

The old Troll looked mean but Boots was not afraid.

Boots pulled a lump of cheese from his sack. “Try to eat me and I will crush you like I crush this stone!” Boots said. He squeezed the cheese into a tiny ball.

The Troll became frightened. He did not know how this small boy could be so strong.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 550
Word Count 586
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