Daedalus and Icarus

Long ago, King Minos ruled the island of Crete.

One day, the king became angry with a man named Daedalus.

The king locked Daedalus and his son, Icarus, inside a giant labyrinth.

Daedalus and his son Icarus wandered through the labyrinth. They were lost.

“We can’t get out on foot,” Daedalus said. “This maze is too hard.”

“What should we do, dad?” Icarus asked.

“We must fly out,” Daedalus said.

Daedalus set about making wings. He gathered feathers and made strings from weeds.

Then he joined the rows of feathers together with wax. He shaped them into wings.

“Let’s try them out,” Daedalus said.

Father and son put the wings on their shoulders. Icarus began to flap. Slowly he rose off the labyrinth floor.

“I am flying!” Icarus said. “Come on dad. You try.”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 370
Word Count 496
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