Ride Rabbit Ride

Bunny Rabbit looked up at the full moon from his bunny bed.

“Mother,” Bunny asked, “how far away is the moon?”

“It is very far,” Mother Rabbit replied.

“I want to ride the moon,” Bunny said. “I will zoom through the sky like a rabbit on a rocket.”

“That is a nice idea, dear,” Mother Rabbit said. “Now, time for bed.”

Mother Rabbit kissed Bunny on the cheek.

The next morning, Bunny met his friends in the forest. He told them about his idea.

“I would ride the moon all night long,” Bunny said. “Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“But the moon is so far away,” said Squirrel. “How would you get there?”

Bunny thought for a moment.

“What about a ladder?” Beaver asked.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 500
Word Count 492
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