Ridiculous Wishes

There once was a greedy potter. Everyday he made dishes in his kiln. Although he did well selling his dishes, the potter wanted more.

The potter wanted to be rich.

One day, the potter went to the wishing well. Instead of just one coin, he tossed four gold coins into the well.

“One wish is not enough for me,” said the potter. “Four coins means I get four wishes.”

After a few seconds, up from the well flew a fairy. The fairy saluted the potter.

“Fairy-in-training reporting for duty,” she said. “I have been sent to get four wishes from you.”

“Fantastic,” said the potter.

“Let’s see. Where should I start? Oh, I know,” said the potter. “I wish for 100 beautiful rings.”

The fairy waved her wand and, POOF!

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 410
Word Count 493
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