The Magic Glasses

It was early Saturday morning and Ellie had just woke up from an amazing dream.

In her dream, Ellie was on a mission to rescue her brother. Disguised in a cloak, Ellie rode her horse through the dense woods and up the high, icy mountains. She dodged witches and fought trolls. It was amazing.

Ellie couldn’t wait to share her dream.

But when she got downstairs, Ellie found her brother eating Sugar Os and watching cartoons.

“Where’s Grandma?” Ellie asked. Her brother pointed toward the kitchen.

Ellie knew Grandma would want to hear about her dream. She was a dreamer, too.

“You must have big plans for today after having a dream like that,” Grandma said.

“There’s nothing to do but watch cartoons,” Ellie said.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 550
Word Count 528
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