The Magic Whistle

Eric and Olaf were brothers. They learned that the king was looking for someone to shepherd rabbits at the palace. The man who could do it would marry the princess.

“How hard could it be to herd rabbits?” the brothers said.

Eric believed he could do it. So he set out on the long journey to the palace.

At the edge of the forest he came upon an old hag. Her long green nose was caught in the crack of a log.

Eric stared—and laughed and laughed.

“Please help me get my nose out,” the old hag screamed. “I have been here for a hundred years and no one has helped me.”

“If you have been there for a hundred years, you can stay a little longer,” Eric said. “I don’t have time to stop.”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 620
Word Count 557
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