Zombie Elementary: Stage Fright

Ivan sat outside of Zombie Elementary, all alone under the creepy old oak tree. Tomorrow was the big day. His big day.

Ivan wished it were someone else’s big day. Or that it was just a regular day. What was the big deal about big days, anyway?

“Hey Ivan!” Tina called. “You want to come play hockey?”

“I’m getting pretty good!” Zack swung his detached leg like a hockey stick and sent a puck soaring. Frankenturkey blocked the shot and did a victory dance.

“No thanks,” Ivan sighed. “I’m too nervous to play right now.”

“Why?” Tina asked.

“I turn 8 tomorrow. We vampires have a special tradition when we turn 8. But it’s going to go all wrong!”

“Maybe we can help,” Tina offered.

“How? You aren’t even vampires!” Ivan said.

“What’s that got to do with it?” Tina asked. “Frankenturkey is a roasted bird and we get him out of trouble all the time.”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 500--
Word Count 637
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