Apples and Honey

Eating apples and honey was Zoey’s favorite part of Rosh Hashanah.

Every year, Mama cut up apples and put them in a bowl. Then she poured honey into another bowl. She would take an apple slice and dip it in the honey.

“L’Shana Tova!” Mama said as she bit into the apple. That meant “Happy New Year!”

Mama smiled at Zoey and gave her an apple slice with honey too.

This year, Zoey had something even better to look forward to. Grandpa was visiting!

When Grandpa arrived, Zoey threw her arms around his neck.

“L’Shana Tova, Grandpa!” she shouted. “We’re eating apples and honey. Are you gonna eat some too?”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 560
Word Count 447
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