Sasha and the Elves

Sasha’s father was a toymaker, but he was very poor.

Sasha helped her father in the toyshop. Each night she laid out her father’s tools for work the next morning.

One night, Sasha looked around her father’s workbench. All he had left was enough wood to build one small toy train.

She put the tools on the bench and then went to bed.

Sasha looked outside her window. She saw the North Star shining in the sky.

“If father cannot sell this toy train,” she sighed, “I don’t know what we will do. I wish I could help him some how.”

Sasha then fell asleep.

The next morning, Sasha went into the workshop. What she saw was amazing!

On the table stood a brand new toy train. Everything about it was perfect.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 570
Word Count 537
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