A Fairy Princess Has Been Here

I am Jamie. Jamie Preston. I am seven years old. A fairy princess is in my house.

How do I know a fairy princess is in my house? There’s sparkle dust over there on the floor.

Fairy princesses leave sparkle dust everywhere.

There’s also purple lipstick on this table. Only fairy princesses wear purple lipstick.

And look! The fairy princess wrote a note.... just for me! She even used sparkly purple ink!

It says: “Dear Jamie, I love you and don’t ever forget it! F.P.” F.P. must mean Fairy Princess!

In the kitchen, there’s a pretty teacup on the table. It has purple lipstick on it.

That’s proof that a fairy princess has been here. She sipped a cup of fairy tea in my kitchen!

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 340
Word Count 427
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