Boomerang Boo

This is the story of a bully named Boo. No kid was safe from Boo and his mean words. Boo bullied them all.

When he made kids cry he bullied them even more.

“Boo hoo hoo!” Boo laughed.

“Hey four-eyes!” Boo said to the boy who wore glasses.

“What’s up elephant ears?” Boo said to the girl with big ears.

“Nice shoes Bigfoot!” Boo said to the boy with big feet.

Bird beak, fish lips, and monkey arms were all names that Boo called the kids at school.

He didn’t care if he made them cry or if he hurt their feelings. He loved being the school bully. No one could stop Boo.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 400
Word Count 460
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