Bounce's Big Race

Grandpa woke Bounce up early. “Don’t you remember what day it is?” Grandpa asked.

Bounce’s eyes popped open. He smiled. “It’s race day!” he yelled.

Bounce hopped out of bed and got dressed.

“Oink, squeal, squeak!” Pogi snorted.

Bounce patted his pet pig on the head. “Of course I’ll be careful!” he said. Pogi always worried when Bounce went flying.

Bounce ran outside to his sky streaker. He checked his fuel and tightened a few bolts. He wanted to be ready for the big race.

Then he hopped on and glided to the starting line. He was proud to be flying for Grandpa’s company, Admiral Delivery.

He groaned when he saw Skyla on her streaker. She was a mechanic from The Fuel Stop.

If anyone could beat him it would be Skyla.

“So, you’re in the race too, huh?” he asked.

“Sure am,” Skyla said. “And I plan to win!”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 500
Word Count 529
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