The Baobab Tree

Long ago, on a very hot day, Hare hopped up to the Baobab Tree. “Please, may I rest in your lovely cool shade?” Hare said. “It’s so hot out here.”

“Of course,” said the Baobab Tree.

Hare stretched out and enjoyed the cool air. “Thank you,” Hare said.

The Baobab Tree rustled its leaves and dropped a fruit to Hare.

“How did you know I was hungry?” Hare said. “Many thanks for your kindness.” Hare ate the fruit.

Soon, Hare spoke again to the tree.

“May I ask one more favor?” he said nicely. “Please, could I scratch my itchy back against your bark?”

“Scratch away,” said the tree.

Hare thanked the tree and scratched.

Then the Baobab Tree spoke to Hare.

“You are the first one to say please and thank you for my gifts,” the tree said. “I have something special to show you. Please come inside my trunk. But you must promise not to take anything.”

Hare promised.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 480
Word Count 519
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