The Frog Prince

Princess Emma loved to play catch. But all the other children at the castle did not. They were older and only wanted to ride horses.

They said catch was for babies.

So Princess Emma went to the Royal Pond to play catch by herself.

She threw the ball into the air. When she tried to catch it, the ball bounced off her hand and into the pond. It floated away.

She began to cry.

A frog heard Princess Emma crying. He looked up from his lily pad. “What troubles you, Princess?” he asked.

She pointed at her ball. It was all the way out in the middle of the pond. “I can’t swim,” she cried.

“Do not weep, Princess,” said the frog. “I can fetch your ball. But first I have a request. I would like to spend a day with you at the palace. I want to eat, play, and sleep like a prince.”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 460
Word Count 583
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