Androcles and the Lion

In ancient days, a young Greek warrior named Androcles was captured in battle. He was taken to Rome and forced to become a slave.

Androcles was a slave for many years. He was made to work hard every day and every night. He had no freedom and was treated badly.

Androcles wanted, more than anything, to escape. He carefully planned how he would get away. Then, one night, he quietly escaped into the darkness.

Androcles was free, but he had nowhere to go.

Androcles ran away from Rome. He was hungry and scared.

Late one night, he crawled into a cave and fell asleep.

A loud roar woke up Androcles. A huge lion stood in front of him. Androcles was trapped in the cave!

Androcles shook in fear.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 430
Word Count 516
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