The Baltimore Plot

Kate Warne was a young girl who wanted to be a spy. She was working on a case in Baltimore, spying on a group of thieves.

Kate watched the suspects through a hole in a restaurant wall. She was listening for clues.

While she was trying to spy, she overheard men talking at another table.

“Abraham Lincoln,” someone was saying.

“We’ve got to get him!” said someone else.

Was a plot being formed to stop Abraham Lincoln from becoming president? Kate had to find out.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a disguise.

Now dressed like a busser, Kate wandered into the restaurant to listen more closely.

Kate picked up a tray and began clearing dishes. She was able to hear the men whispering.

“Lincoln will start a civil war!” said one man.

“Lincoln is going to ruin America!” said another. “Let’s get him on his way to Washington D.C. We can stop him!”

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 460
Word Count 547
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