Touch the Moon

Long ago there was a greedy king. He thought it would be fun to touch the moon.

He ordered his people to build a tall tower. Then he could stand on top of the tower and touch the moon.

“We don’t have enough stone,” his workers said.

The king wouldn’t listen. “I want to touch the moon,” he yelled.

At this time, his daughter was a little girl. “We should fly to the moon, father,” she said.

The king laughed. “Silly girl,” he said. “We cannot fly to the moon. To touch the moon we must build a tower.”

So work began on the king’s tower.

Workers cut down the forest to make room for the tower.

They knocked down people’s stone homes. They used these stones to build the tower.

The people were angry. But the king kept on building the tower anyway.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 410
Word Count 566
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