The Soaring Heroes and the Honey Bee

Avian was flying high in the sky when he saw the fire. “This way, team!” he yelled. He zoomed toward the blaze with his red cape rippling behind him.

“The Soaring Heroes are here!” someone yelled. Avian and his friends, Scales and Flutter, rushed into the burning building.

Avian and the green Scales each carried a child to safety.

“My little sister is still inside!” a child cried.

“I’m on it!” yelled Flutter. She grabbed the girl and protected her as the walls fell.

“Flutter, where are you?” Scales yelled.

“Right here!” said Flutter. She dusted off her purple butterfly cape and let go of the happy girl.

The three superheroes waved goodbye and flew to their headquarters.

FAZ Reading Level Detail

Lexile Score 510
Word Count 539
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